Thursday, 1 May 2014

A visit to one of my BRIO houses

Today I think it is time to revisited one of my BRIO houses. It was one of my earliest houses in my collection of doll houses. The interior is all original, floors, ceilings and walls. Unfortunately, do not the electricity work in all rooms. I don´t know why it is just a part of the house where it works but I shall try to fix it.

I have had some troubles with dating the house. I have compared with the BRIO houses from BRIO Lekoseum published on and founded out that it must be from later than 1968. The 1968 house has the same windows and doors as in my house. Also the kitchen is the same. One major difference is that the 1968 house does not have wall to wall fitted carpet in the bigger room on ground floor. Comparing with a catalogue from BRIO 1970/1971 it matches rather well, but I think it is other colours on the carpets. So I dated my house to be from 1970 (in between the two sources). If anyone had any more evidence to date BRIO houses of this time I be glad to know. I have tried to furnish the house with things from the time and from BRIO as far as it is possible. 

We start the house tour in the living room where three members of the Jansson family are sitting. They have since last visit got a new Stereo from Hogarin complemented with a red Hogarin radio. To the right you can also see a glimpse of a Hogarin guitar. Both lamps are from BRIO. The yellow floor lamp was called "Månen" and the ceiling lamp was called "Zenith". From 1971 BRIO manufactured miniature lamps for doll houses which were copies of original models from Fog & Mørup AS. The "Månen" lamp was designed by Juel Nielsen and "Zenith" by Jo Hammerborg. The sofa and armchairs were designed by Arne Jacobsen. 

In another part of the living room one of the children is watching the telly. The telly is not from BRIO. Actually I don´t know its origin. In this picture we can also see a new table which the family got yesterday. It is the round side table with the bottle on beside the father of the family. The green plant is also from Hogarin and the three pictures on the wall that we just see glimpses of is from Caroline's home. 

Another of the children is bicycling indoors on the ground floor. I am not sure if she´s allowed to do that. In this room the family got a new table lamp on the side board. It is called "Orient" and was designed by Jo Hammerborg. I had this lamp in my own childhood with a red lamp shade but I have lost it. The red ceiling lamp was called "Zone" and also designed by Jo Hammerborg. Around the table there are just three chairs. I am still looking for a fourth one. The curtains I have made out of a curtain from the 1970s. 

The kitchen is in BRIO design. But the small kitchen stuff is made by others, mainly by Lundby. The tray on the table with cups and a pot is actually made by Lego. The curtain is in plastic material and followed with a box containing all sorts of things which I bought on an auction. I think it´s become rather great as a curtain in this house. 

Finally, we end the house tour in the bathroom where I have put some cleaning stuff which I think is made by Hogarin. 


Florine said...

I like the way you have the little boy posed while watching TV....I expected him to turn around and look at me at any second! It is a lovely house!

Mina dockskåp said...

Yes, I used to sit so my self in front of the TV when I was a child. But to be honest I had to bend his arms backwards for he would fall on the side otherwise.

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